Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014

Dark Eldar - Urien Rakarth - Coven of pain (My Army List)

So after painting Urien it is time to start considering using him in an army.... to be honest ...

a) I do not have much of a clue on Warhammer 40k nor on building an army list
b) I currently only own Urien and another Haemonculus and a squad of scourges and thats it with my Dark Eldars...

So looking forward to some of your input here as well :)

Urien Rakarth - 190pts

4 Grotesques - Liquifier Gun, Strength Bonus in Raider w/Night Shield - 240pts

9 Wracks - Liquifier Gun, Acothyst in Raider w/Night Shield and Disintegrator - 180pts
10 Wracks - 2 Liquifier Guns, Acothyst in Raider w/Night Shield - 200pts
10 Wracks - 2 Liquifier Guns, Acothyst in Raider w/Night Shield - 200pts

Fast Attack
5 Scourges - 2 Haywire Blasters - 130pts
5 Scourges - 2 Haywire Blasters - 130pts

Heavy Support
Ravager - Flicker Field - 115pts
Ravager - Flicker Field - 115pts

Total - 1,500pts

So that's 3 Wrack squads to score objectives, and to take Urien's extra Pain Tokens. Grotesques to guard Urien and benefit from his Strength boost. Ravagers as the much necessary anti-tank, and Scourges to stall vehicles (and possibly destroy). 6 Liquifier Guns combined with almost 30 attacks from each Wrack squad should dispatch of most hordes too.

Dienstag, 10. Juni 2014

Urien Rakarth - Dark Eldar - Painting guide

The painting guide I followed was from a fellow blog, even though I altered it a bit to fit to my colourcode in regards to Dark Eldar flesh.

Which Colour did I use:

Boltgun Metal (Vallejo)
Abbadon Black (Games Workshop)
Flatbrown (Vallejo)
Calthan Brown (Games Workshop)
Khaki (Vallejo)
Rose brown (Vallejo)
Agrax EarthShade (Games Workshop)
Nuiln Oil (Games Workshop)
Sky Grey (Vallejo)
Mithril Silver (Games Workshop)
Knarloc Green (Games Workshop)
Warpstone Green (Games Workshop)
Fluo Green (Vallejo)
Mechrite Red (Games Workshop)
Vermillion (Vallejo)
Evil Sunz Scarlet (Games Workshop)
Deep Green (Vallejo)
Intense Blue (Vallejo)
Liche Purple (Games Workshop)
Royal Purple (Vallejo)
Genestalker Purple (Games Workshop)

  1. Basecoat the flesh and bone with Rose brown, the weapons with Boltgun Metal and the leather with Abbadon Black. Highlight the leather with Caltan Brown.
  2. Apply a heavy wash of Nuiln Oil to the skin. Edge highlight the leather Khaki. Wash the metal Nuiln Oil.
  3. Drybrush Sky grey onto the skin. Edge highlight the leather Kommando Khaki and the metal Mithril Silver.
  4. Apply a fine highlight of Skull White to the flesh and bone, and wash the leather with Agrax Earthshade.
The gauntlet and further appendages. You can also find green vials and tubes that are present on Urien. The steps being as follows:

  1. First block out the glass vial/tubes with Abbadon Black
  2. Apply a basecoat of Knarloc Green to the whole area
  3. Highlight the upper area of the vial Warpstone Green
  4. Apply a highlight of Flue Green. Finally highlight with Skull White and wash with Nuiln Oil.
The steps I followed for the tentacles that support the model were:

  1. Basecoat the tentacles in Mechrite Red, with the ends of them (the pincer areas) painted Abbadon Black.
  2. Highlight tentacles with Vermillion
  3. Wash the tentacles with Nuil Oil followed by Abrax Earthshade.
  4. Add Mithril Silver to the pincers on the end of the tentacles and highlight the tentacles with Evil Sunz Scarlet
Starting with the armour, I decided to go along the same route as that of my upcoming Kabalite armour and used the process on both his body/arm armour and the models hair. The tutorial is as follows:

  1. Basecoat all required areas with Abbadon Black.
  2. An edge highlight (a thin line brushed onto all edges) was applied using a 1:1 mix of Deep Green and Intense Blue.
  3. Then build up the edge highlights using a mix from the last step and adding Fluo Green.
  4. A final highlight of pure Fluo Green was then applied to the most prominent edges.

The final part of this guide will look at the painting of the tabbard that Urien Rakarth is wearing.
  1. Basecoat the tabbard with Lichen Purple.
  2. Shade the area with a 1:1 mix of Abrax Earthshade and Liche Purple that is thinned down and painted into the recesses.
  3. The tabbard was then given an initial highlight using 1:1 Royal Purple with Genestalker Purple.
  4. Further highlight layers were applied by using Mechrite Red and Vermillion.

Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

Warhammer 40.000 - Dark Vengeance Dark Angels Librarian

When I recall the post about me getting the Dark Vengeance box and that I actually now found the time to paint up the first model from that box I guess that it will be a lifetime project to get the whole box finished....

Considering that I also painted up Napoleonics 28mm and Flames of War 15mm as well as Napoleonics 6mm and Bolt Action 28mm this is when the first time to actually paint a Sci-Fi Model and the experience was very nice... hope you all like the result.

Any comments ? Give me a shout !

To be honest... this model took 20 different colours with additional 20 different mixtures of white into the different colours... horror !